
After browsing the links below, if you have any questions or would like more information about any of our summer programs click here.


Solebury Summer 夏令营 is a blast for kids and a life-saver for parents -- lunch and snacks are provided and flexible after-care options are offered! Please note: We are a small camp and tend to fill up quickly.

Counselor in Training (CIT) Program

This program is designed to be fun while developing the skills and confidence necessary to be leaders and to work with young children.

StarCatchers Theater and scenic arts Camp

StarCatchers Theater Camp is for kids who love singing, dancing, or acting! 


Join the club and enjoy our pool facilities (a solar-heated pool, 救生员, 网球场, 和更多). We limit our membership to avoid an over-crowded pool.


Beginning swim lessons for kids 年龄s 4 to 9 years old are held in small groups to offer kids the individualized attention they need.